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Create good luck in your job search

Create good luck in your job search

What does luck have to do with job hunting? Apparently a lot! Richard Wiseman, author of “The Luck Factor,” says that some people really have all the luck, while others are a magnet for bad luck.

Luck is not a magical ability or a gift from the gods, but a way of thinking and behaving. Do you consider yourself lucky, neutral, or unlucky? Take a look at this, the opportunity is nowhere.

Do you see?

Lucky people see that “the opportunity is here.” Unfortunate people read it as “the opportunity is nowhere”.

Wiseman, whose best-selling book explores the lives and minds of fortunate people, is a professor at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK who has gained recognition for his research in quirky areas of psychology. Identify four principles of luck.

In reviewing them, I see a direct connection between your application and job search success. Below are Wiseman’s luck principles and my interpretation of how they affect his job search:

# 1 Maximize your opportunity opportunities. Wiseman says, “Lucky people create, notice, and act on the fortuitous opportunities in their lives.” Lucky people interact more with the outside world than unlucky people.

Lucky people are lucky, in part, because of the number of opportunities they seize. They enter into conversations with more people and are more curious and open to others than to their less fortunate colleagues. In today’s world of work, the more you are available for opportunities, planned and random, the more likely you are to find that perfect job sooner rather than later.

One of my clients has the ability to strike up conversations with strangers who have provided him with networking opportunities over lunch (on the other person, no less), as well as connections with high-level professionals who might otherwise have been out of business. its immediate reach. attain. Has luck? You can bet! Every day she is out there bringing luck.

# 2 Listen to their lucky hunches. Lucky people pay attention to their intuition. Unfortunate people often have the same hunches but don’t act on it. So when the little bell in your brain warns you of the possibilities or offers a red flag, act on the information. Good luck favors job seekers who are paying attention.

# 3 Expect good fortune. Lucky people have positive expectations about the future. This helps them fulfill their dreams and achieve their goals.

As a job seeker, hope for the best; preview the result you want to achieve. Too many times, job seekers create the outcome they fear the most by focusing on it, rather than their ideal outcome.

Identify the specific result you are looking for at each step of the job search process. When you submit that resume, imagine that the hiring manager calls you for an interview. As you prepare for the first interview, visualize that you are invited to the second round of interviews with the operations manager. Prepare yourself and hope for the best possible result. That’s what the lucky ones do.

# 4 Turn your bad luck into good luck. Lucky people turn bad luck into good fortune by seeking learning from experience and then reframing the result. The way we see things is affected by the framework we bring to the experience. This is true in life and when looking for a job. If you’ve experienced a recent episode of bad luck, check your attitude. Is it high expectations or something less?

Think about your life. Are there events that initially seemed catastrophic but, in hindsight, led to an unexpectedly good outcome?

More than one client has come to me devastated by losing a job or angry at a promotion they didn’t get, only to confide in me months later that the experience turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It is the ability to learn, transform, and move forward with a sense of optimism that impacts the amount of good fortune in your future career.

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