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Consideration to select creative ideas without stifling creativity or causing chaos in your corporation

Consideration to select creative ideas without stifling creativity or causing chaos in your corporation

Research and development departments and innovation teams must constantly generate new ideas. In fact, to solve a given problem, they may need 40, 50, maybe even 100 ideas. Then they should go through each one and get rid of the ones that don’t make sense, may cost too much money, or even take too long to implement. This means that an R&D department must be able to weed out unwanted creative ideas without upsetting the creativity of the team or diverting the egos of the creative geniuses.

It’s hard to tell someone on a creative team in the R&D department that their idea sucks or is totally unfeasible. However, there has to be a way to select the creative ideas that are unfeasible, while keeping the ones that have potential. Some say it is more important than the ideas themselves. This is because the creative flow is an ongoing process and after solving one problem you will be working on another, but if the creative team is not on the same page or stops participating because they think their creative ideas will be canceled then luckily they can stop. to create

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. Each member of the creative team should see themselves as an important part of the Corporation and feel respected and valued, otherwise they will begin to treat their employment as just a job. If this happens, they will no longer bring their passion and creative genius to the table. Interestingly, when it comes to solving a problem, the first 20 ideas are usually not very good. And when you get to the second 20 ideas, you’ll usually find one that will work really well.

Still, you have to somehow get rid of the other 20 ideas, forgetting about them entirely, in order to move forward. But you have to be very careful because as you go through the innovation of the project, you may have to go back and look at some of those other ideas as a possible solution to solve the problem you created with the failed prototypes. That’s why it’s important to record each and every brainstorming session or creative meeting of minds during the problem-solving process. I hope you will consider all of these issues, because this is an experience that I have learned the hard way. Think about it.

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