It’s all about discipline!

One of my favorite musical instruments is the bagpipe. Many years ago, on a beautiful, bright sunny day, my family and I listened to a magnificent version of Amazing Grace played by a piper on the shore as our family sailed from Halifax, Nova Scotia. We continued to listen to Amazing Grace as it drifted more than 3 miles offshore. […]

9 Zookeeper Terminologies: Zookeeper Basics

1. Objective Before we delve deeper into how ZooKeeper works, we need to know some terminology in ZooKeeper. Today, in this ZooKeeper article, we will learn the fundamental concepts or terminologies of ZooKeeper, in short, to better understand how it works well. So, let’s start with Apache ZooKeeper terminologies. Zookeeper Terminologies 9 Zookeeper Terminologies: Zookeeper Basics Do you know why […]

Points to consider when buying a trundle bed for toddlers

Childhood brings many changes. Some are significant while others are small, but the transition from cradle to bed is the most important. Your child may be communicating that he wants a big bed when he gets out of the crib. There are no strict rules about when children should be transferred to a separate bed; however, they may express interest […]

Difference Between VoIP Digital Phone Service and Traditional Phone Service

Traditional phones consist of a phone that is connected to a landline. This form of communication is vulnerable to interference and delivery is much slower. Fortunately, technological advances have revolutionized the way we now communicate. The advent of the Internet changed the way we converse. An important advance in the communications industry is the development of the VoIP (Voice over […]

Porter’s Five Forces Model and Internet Competition

According to Porter’s five forces model, in my opinion, competition has generally increased as a result of the Internet and electronic commerce. The Internet and information technology have made it possible to focus on both top and bottom performers, expanding market share and lowering costs. Many products and services exist only online, major companies have gone online to successfully augment […]

NY Times Series on Workers Compensation Neglects the Other Victim

The NY Times published a series of articles that paint a bleak picture of Workers’ Compensation fraud and abuse in New York State: everything from exaggerated medical reports of minor back pain to seriously injured workers who find themselves stuck for months. in a Kafkaesque nightmare of delays. . Many injured workers eventually give up fighting and are left without […]

Could you be setting up your business plan for failure?

David E. Gumpert, author of Burn Your Business Plan, often tells the story of how he and his partner failed to raise any money after sending their business plan to venture capitalists and meeting with several others for presentations. Disappointed by the fruits of their labor, they considered quitting their company in 1995. Fortunately, following the advice of their board […]

What do parakeets eat?

Parakeets (more precisely known as parakeets) are like most other birds, enjoying a varied diet rather than the same seed every day. So what do you feed your little feathered friends? Budgies are vegetarians so they enjoy a good balanced diet of seeds, vegetables and fruit. So what kind of fruits do we give our parakeets? Budgies are known to […]