Does masturbation stop your penis growth?

We know that most boys start masturbating even before they hit puberty. The practice continues for the rest of their lives, whether they marry happily or not! Many questions continue to arise on this topic. Is it harmful? Do masturbation doses prevent your penis from growing, or does masturbation affect penis size at all? These are just a few of […]

Natural relief for tension headaches

Tension headaches are those dull headaches that often start to develop around noon. They are often induced by stress or anxiety and are usually treated by taking over-the-counter pain relievers. However, recent surveys show that many of us are not comfortable taking a tablet as soon as pain appears and we prefer to deal with them naturally. Here’s a simple […]

Birthday cake and cookies recipe

When I asked Ryann, who will soon be 12, what kind of birthday cake he wanted, he said, “Either a cookie cake or a chocolate cake.” After deciding which one to do, I settled on both! I topped a chocolate chip cookie cake with a rich chocolate cake, topped it all with chocolate buttercream frosting, and of course, birthday candles! […]

Choose beneficial fermented foods

Many vegetables are grown in a fertile valley far away. Almost as soon as they are harvested, they are quickly frozen and transported in refrigerated trucks to a nearby supermarket. You have a freezer at home and delivery of nutritious and healthy vegetables from farm to consumer is easily completed. Refrigerated trucks keep freshly picked vegetables viable long enough for […]

How EFT Can Change Your Luck

Can you really change your luck? I know how you feel, you enter a competition and you don’t win. The weeks or months you have spent planning how you would spend the money or drive the new car have stalled. How often do you tell yourself? He knew that would happen, he knew he would not win. Well here’s a […]

A touch of R&B and soul

The kind of music that stands the test of time is the music that makes you and I reflect on the past time; present and future generations. When was the last time you really heard a sound that makes you reflect on yesterday and also takes you back to today’s time frame? What is at the bottom of a person’s […]

A content marketing strategy to improve your site’s SEO score

The Golden State Warriors basketball team has already broken several NBA records in its quest to break the longest winning streak in NBA history. However, even if you’re not a fan of the NBA or the Warriors, there are lessons to be learned from the team’s tremendous feat. Our team sat down this week to discuss content marketing, a popular […]

Is Penn State good?

Penn State’s football season has consisted of two interesting early-season games. The opponents of the games were as different as two opponents can be. In the first game they faced Youngstown State and were able to overwhelm them quite easily. His next opponent, the University of Alabama, is the number one team in the country, and Penn State was overwhelmed. […]

Does Christianity prove the existence of Christ?

Does Christianity prove the actual existence of Christ as described in the sacred texts of Christianity? Does Christ Test the Tenants of Christianity? My short answer is “no”. Keep reading. There are many, certainly including 100% of Christians, who point out that the very establishment and rise of Christianity itself requires, even must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, […]