Tactical Assassin 2 game walkthrough

Warning: you are about to enter the dark world of a murderer. Killing, murdering and murdering target stickmen is your profession, and you are a professional. Tactical Assassin 2 is a classic stickman sniper game. It is not a difficult game to complete, but it does have some tricky missions. If you have been playing this game for 2 hours […]

5 foods for diabetics to enjoy

As a diabetic, are you doomed to a broccoli and grilled fish diet? Is there no way to enjoy food without the sugar spiking? One of the goals of treating diabetes is to keep blood sugar levels within reasonable limits. But patients and doctors alike forget that it’s not just about numbers. The goal is to live a longer and […]

Supply drop addiction

The makers of Call of Duty have finally found an answer to a growing problem in the COD franchise. The only revenue a company used to raise when creating a video game was the initial sales of the game itself. Call of Duty games have traditionally released in November, just before the holidays. Activision and other COD makers would see […]

Spider-Man PS4 2019: Top 5 Best Suits

Spider-Man 2018 is an incredible action adventure game influenced by Marvel comics, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game features Peter Parker as the main character, who is secretly known as Spider-Man. This article will look at the top five of the game’s 41 battle suits. Advanced suit The game begins with the original costume, […]

Youth sports teams that choose to stay in vacation homes versus hotels

Youth sports tournaments are popular in most large cities in the United States. Sports teams on the go now include everything from soccer to softball to volleyball to cheerleading. Team leaders and organizers are often challenged with where to house their team. Unless reservations are made well in advance, hotels and motels are almost always booked. They also lack the […]

Resident Evil 5 review

Resident Evil 5, the sequel to Resident Evil 4, is the fifth game in the series. It is currently in development, but people have started talking about it. What did you hear about that? Its developer CapCom has yet to reveal much about Resident Evil 5. Few details about the game have been released. The concept is believed to be […]

Top 3 Reasons to Play Casino Online

Play Casino Online If you are thinking about playing casino games online, then there are a number of reasons that you might want to consider. While many people may be familiar with online video poker or slots, there are a wide range of other options available as well. Some of these include bingo, keno, poker, blackjack, and even roulette. No […]

Outland Review

Have you ever wondered what would be the result of mixing up some irrelevant games? I’m sure all players do it from time to time. For example, I always wonder what kind of game would come out when we combined the Devil May Cry franchise with the Diablo franchise. Like you’re playing Diablo, but you have to press the right […]

Why Ride-Share Driving is the best video game of all time

As someone of the video game generation, I have played many games. In the 1980s, games were very binary with only a few colors on the screen. But there I was, staring at the screen for hours. The games progressed over the years and the consoles and graphics improved. Now games seem to incorporate the real world around you through […]

Spend time with yourself every day

Brian Tracy once commented that everything that exists is already out of date. He calls this the Law of Obsolescence. That is why some celebrated achievements become obsolete after some time. It may interest you to know that some things that were discarded as obsolete were celebrated in the past. The implication of this is that even the most noble […]