mountain music

I found this work by Lama Govinda this morning and wanted to share it. Lama was born in 1898 in Germany and founded the Tibetan Buddhist Pali order. He spent his life teaching and reading in India, and in the 1960s he began traveling the world teaching Buddhism. In his work on mountains he reminds me of the beauty of […]

African Travel Tips When Visiting The Maldives

The Maldives are a collection of 1,190 islands in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 26 atoll formations (a word of Maldivian origin). Only about 200 islands are inhabited and another 80 have been developed as exclusive resorts. Maldives is a major diving destination due to its magnificent coral reefs and wealth of marine life with its atolls believed to have […]

abbotsford acreage for sale private owner

abbotsford acreage for sale Looking for Abbotsford Acreage for Sale? You’re in luck. This article will provide you with a list of available properties and explain how to search for the perfect property. First, let’s look at the different types of acreage available in the Abbotsford area. You can look for building lots, development land, or even vacant land. You […]

What Does Autopilot Buddy Weigh?

Autopilot Buddy Weigh The Autopilot Buddy is a steering wheel accessory that simulates the feeling of a driver pulling the steering wheel. Its purpose is to fool Tesla’s Autopilot system into thinking the driver is actually holding onto the wheel. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has ordered the manufacturer to stop selling it in the U.S., citing safety […]

weight train workout for fat loss

Using weight training exercises to lose fat can be very effective if you do it right, for both women and men. Lifting weights helps burn calories for up to 48 hours after first touching the weights, so it can be a very effective strategy. Let me show you the best way for your current circumstances: If you’re a woman, you’re […]

7 beauty tips for acne-prone skin

Acne. Boy, I hate it. Those pimples that appeared all over my face in my teens. Even now, I get acne breakouts when I’m stressed or use the wrong skincare product. I have been to many doctors who can clear my acne, until the next breakout. Part of the reason is oily skin. Oily skin that traps pore-clogging dirt and […]

Native Speaker Search: How to Find a Native Speaker Near You

Definition: native speaker A person whose primary (or acquired) language is at a level of communication and understanding such that it is indistinguishable from the communication and understanding standards of the community of speakers of that language. In other words, if no one calls to say that a speaker of a language has acquired it as a foreign language later […]