Your wedding: a day that will cost you years?

There was a time when getting married meant falling in love, a ring transfer, a reception ceremony, and hopefully a honeymoon. Today, not much has changed, in terms of what a wedding entails. However, the cost is at an all-time high. To think that a single day of your life, even one of the greatest, can cost you so much […]

The Art of Fantastic Writing – Subgenres

The word fantasy often brings to mind stories of a magical world where dragons, heroes, and incredible lands are fraught with danger at every turn. The reality is that fantasy writing is much more than that. A fantasy world is a world in which anything can happen. The magic is real and it works. The heroes save the damsels in […]

Being "Disruptive" it’s a good thing

Someone or something that is disturbing is usually associated in a negative way. The subprime mortgage crisis has disrupted the financial and housing markets. That’s bad. My son was upset at dinner while someone else was talking. That is bad too. But I think the idea of ​​being deliberately disruptive can be very positive when used in developing strategies, organizations, […]

How do you talk to a baby?

The ways to communicate with a baby are endless and each parent travels more than others. Here are some that you can take to talk to your baby. Make a continuous comment. Don’t make any moves, at least when you’re around your baby, without talking about it. It narrates the process of dressing; ‘Now I’m putting the diaper on you. […]

The consequences of stealing: theft and the law

Theft can include armed robbery, burglary, check robbery, forgery, unauthorized use of a vehicle, fraud, false statement to a credit bureau, shoplifting, and the list goes on. Consequences for stealing range from a Class C misdemeanor to felony charges, generally depending on the monetary value of what was taken. If the value of the stolen item is less than $ […]

Information and history shirt

Shirt, Information and History. A camisole is a modern type of women’s underwear that is also known as a classic nightgown or robe. It is also considered as a dress characterized by great simplicity; although before its classic use was to protect women’s outer clothing from body oils and sweat. The word chemise is actually the French terminology for “shirt”. […]

The Epitome of Maine – Cape Elizabeth

When you imagine Maine, you usually imagine the wild Atlantic Ocean illuminated by ancient lighthouses that have guided ships for centuries. You might see miles of granite cliffs lined up on unspoiled beaches: seagulls lazily circling overhead, crabs scuttling underneath, and buoys floating on the water. In your mind, you may see a sleepy fishing village blissfully crammed with lobster […]

Why Soccer Fans Need Their Own Social Network

In recent years, social media has evolved from a communication tool between people to a dominant driving force on the World Wide Web. Today, social media has a huge impact not only in the digital realm, but also in business, politics, trends, and almost every aspect of our world. A common assumption is that social media is totally driven by […]