Why cycling is a fun workout

If going to the gym seems like a boring exercise, you may want to try biking outside. Cycling, compared to exercising in the gym, is more fun. When riding your bike, you won’t get bored with changes in the environment while riding your chosen bike path; whereas, in the gym, you are stuck with the same walls and equipment. It […]

Charming Irish Wedding Traditions and Superstitions

Irish marriage traditions go back into history and many have survived in one form or another today. These Irish marriage traditions were rooted in nature, stemming from folklore and superstitions for generations. passed down from generation to generation. Today, Irish couples around the world seek to incorporate these ancient Irish marriage traditions into their modern wedding as a way to […]

How to take care of pets

In today’s busy and self-centered world, when no one has time for anyone else, the pets in our homes are the best friends and companions we can hope to have! The joy and enthusiasm with which my dog ​​greets me when I come home at the end of a long and arduous workday immediately lifts my spirits and any exhaustion […]

Why Joint Tenure is a Bad Idea for Estate Planning and Poor Living Trust Replacement

What is a joint tenant? A joint tenure allows several people to share the same ownership of the property. Typically this is reflected between husband and wife as co-owners. People do this mainly because when one person dies, the other automatically inherits the property without the need to go through an estate through the so-called “right of survival.” The surviving […]

What is the real reason you have heartburn or GERD?

It’s really weird but true: you don’t have indigestion or acid reflux because you have too much acid in your stomach! A very common reason is usually due to a hiatal hernia, which is when acid leaves the stomach where it belongs and does not remain confined where it belongs. The other reason is that hydrochloric acid, which is a […]

Top Ten Tips for the Best Road Trip Ever

There is nothing more fun than an old fashioned road trip. I love to hit the road and explore our country. Now, I’ve been a “road traveler” for some time and while I love air travel, I love road trips because that’s how you can really experience the country. So it’s time to whip up your favorite tunes and snacks […]