Viva Pinata Fertilizer

Viva Pinata Fertilizer

It is important to know the Viva Pinata fertilizer for viva pinata. It can help your plants grow at an amazing rate and produce much more fruit! You can also unlock objectives using the viva pinata fertilizer in the game. However, do not use fertilizer just when planting a tree / shrub. You must use the fertilizer in viva pinata at a certain time. If you pay attention to a tree while it is growing, you will see that in a moment the tree / bush begins to shed its leaves. Just when it is shedding you must add fertilizer. This will make the tree grow fast and you will get the benefits when you have an increase in fruit production.

When the Buds appear, you must go to the Costlot store immediately. Different trees require different fertilizers.

Red Fertilizer- Apple Tree, Holly Bush

Yellow Fertilizer – Banana Tree

Purple Fertilizer- Blackberry Bush, Nightshade Bush

Blue Fertilizer – Blueberry Tree

Orange fertilizer – Naranjo

Brown fertilizer: fir, hazelnut and walnut

Green Fertilizer – Gooseberry and Oak

Special Fertilizer – Gem Tree

The more you fertilize, the more fruits / produce you will have. It may burst more than once, so keep a close eye on your plants!

Tree tips

If you want as much fruit as possible, here are some tips.

First: don’t plant your tree near the edge of the garden. The product may fall to the side where you cannot reach it.

Second: don’t overcrowd the trees. The tree can overcrowd and die.

Third: if you want a lot of fruit and have money to spare, then keep an eye on your tree. Fertilize the tree even for small shoots.

For more on Viva Pinata Fertilizer visit this website!

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