Digital Marketing
Technology and tools to boost your real estate transactions

Technology and tools to boost your real estate transactions

The real estate world has seen a drop in deals, be it leasing, buying or selling, especially in recent times. In today’s tough economic times, making a new customer is challenging and so is retaining an existing one. Real estate agents need to be at their marketing best at all times and to do so they need to be tech friendly.

You may be the best at what you do, but until you communicate it the right way with the right tools, your efforts may be wasted. Technology and communication must go hand in hand and failure in this area can cause you to fall behind compared to your competitors. More importantly, there must be a balance between the two and in order to achieve that balance in your profession, you must work on both aspects simultaneously. Everything from communicating with the customer, connecting with the new customer database, sales pitch, after-sales service and other such interactions needs to be done effectively with the help of technology.

Being in the real estate business, you may have noticed that a real estate agent pitching or bidding that lacks the technology aspect affects the entire deal. So instead of avoiding technology, why not adapt it to make it work for you, as it will help you in ways you may not have thought possible? All you need to do is incorporate some of the technology tools into your everyday transactions, making them faster for you and more effective for the customer.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

  • smartphone

If you’re still using your old mobile phone, it’s time you switched to a smartphone with a data plan that allows you to incorporate database tools. It will come in really handy when you need to get in touch with your potential clients, no matter if you are in the office or on the go. You can do it all from your smartphone, be it sending or receiving emails, browsing property websites, downloading real estate related news apps, communicating instantly no matter where you are.

  • text message marketing

SMS marketing is a very effective way to keep in touch with your regular customers and even get acquainted with new ones. Make it part of your customer communication strategy where you can send notifications, tell them about new properties on the market, send dues reminders, invite them to property-related events, send them links, details, and other market-related information.

  • Email Communications

Emails have become an essential feature when it comes to customer communication. It’s a quick and convenient way to communicate with real estate agents, builders, and clients, especially when it comes to commercial property clients. Be sure to use the best data software for both your computer and smartphone so you can send and receive emails even when you’re on the go.

  • software

Many software packages are specially designed for the real estate industry and are available at affordable prices to help real estate professionals. You can integrate it into your system to enter the database, facilitate the management of brokers, staff, leads, quotes, customer accounts, audits and other processes. The softwares are designed to meet the ever-increasing demands of the real estate industry and can be used by everyone, developers, builders, contractors, infrastructure developers.

  • Website

Your personal website can increase your clientele and the reputation of your work, as it will be easy for clients to know everything about your work, increasing the trust and reliability factor. They will have a gateway where they can access your property listings and inspection information related to all the properties you have on offer.

  • presentation software

When presenting a property to many clients or a team, you can use presentation software with the help of which you can add photos of the site, 3D images, manage content, basically create an amazing visual experience for the client that gives a boost to your property offer.

All this and more can be part of your daily dealings when it comes to presenting, negotiating, selling or closing a deal. Like any other field, real estate is also embracing technology and it’s time for you to too.

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