Tours Travel
Spiritual multitasking: how to do and be at the same time

Spiritual multitasking: how to do and be at the same time

There are two types of “multitasking”: personal and spiritual (impersonal). Let’s look at the personal first: the effectiveness of personal “multitasking”, as it is commonly understood and practiced, is a myth.

The ability to “walk and chew gum at the same time” is not only much more difficult than it sounds, but when you divide your focus you are also dividing its power. You are diluting it.

Focusing on two things at the same time takes practice. It is not easy or natural for human beings at this particular stage of our mental development.

If you concentrate on reading these words, for example, you are not aware of the sounds in or out of the room. When i mentioned Dream, your attention shifted from reading to listening.

Your might listen and read at the same time, but it would take some time and you would do both a lot less well. Your might text and unit at the same time, but it would be dangerous because the eyes also cannot see two scenes or objects at the same time without a practiced effort to expand their peripheral vision.

Let’s now look at “spiritual multitasking”, since personal multitasking means focusing on two or more personal things at the same time, such as mental, emotional, sensual, or physical things; “spiritual” refers to focusing on a personal thing and a I ampersonal thing at the same time.

Tea I amthe personal is simply your day to day conscience. Notice that the phrase “conscience from something “implies two separate and distinct faculties: consciousness and the objects of which it is aware.

Consciousness is the to be part of you while you think, feel, feel, act, are the doing part of you. Both should They happen at the same time if you want to experience life with the utmost clarity and self-control.

In spiritual multitasking, you are experimenting and to know your experience at the same time. You’re acting and to know you are acting at the same time. The same goes for the five senses: you are feeling and indifferently. aware what do you feel.

In personal multitasking, you are seeing with your eyes only, listen with your ears only, think, feel and act with those faculties only. Consequently, you cannot do any of those activities very well. You think, feel and act far below your potential.

This is how spiritual multitasking works to empower you: your personal self is connected to the conscious part of your mind, while your conscious self is connected to the subconscious part.

When you focus on your conscience Y a personal faculty at the same time, you access your subconscious source of knowledge and power. The personal self is empowered by the impersonal self. You are focusing on both: the tip of the iceberg and the body of the iceberg at the same time. It’s amazing!

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