Lifestyle Fashion
Never deny the spirit behind things

Never deny the spirit behind things

Everything is made of energy and movement, subtle or not so subtle. With that said, I start this article. Recently, I have been thinking deeply about the nature of reality. I have come to realize that as much as “physical” or “mundane” situations can get, the power or spirit of realities cannot be denied.

So think, what connects everything when everything doesn’t seem to connect right? I’ll give you the ultimate spoiler here: without the spirit behind reality, everything is really an illusion and a veritable house of cards, mirrors, and games. In fact, there is always something deeper underneath it all, even if there doesn’t seem to be in certain situations, especially in the “county department of motor vehicles or on the welfare lines”, but the spiritual reality is still there. in reality. The spirit works universally and not simply above, below, here, there or simply directional terms. Everything, even the most boring and mundane thing, is ultimately understood as spiritual energy, really.

If “what you see is what you get” was real and insightful, then “the world would be flat, no mysteries and that’s it” actually. Also, this is my call for everyone, including myself, to look beyond the surface.

To deny the spirit behind things is to think that reality has no cause except what is apparently happening in front of us. The spirit is always behind the scenes and is the cause of everything in the most masterful way possible, and what must happen is happening.

In fact, denying spiritual reality would make the veil genuinely thick. Reality is limited by how deeply we correctly perceive and act on those perceptions anyway. Think about that statement fully and deeply. Denying spiritual reality and feeling that way is all that exists in the most genuine of spiritual suicides that exist in reality.

When one person asserts and controls all of reality without filters or fear, the puppet strings are cut forever and the mystery is solved. However, it doesn’t end, eliminate, or negate all problems, but when you fully understand all problems, you can better resolve them when they arise. Perfection is fully understanding the deep and the shallow anyway, then acting and being right with the knowledge. Furthermore, knowledge is gained and not given.

After all, lying to yourself is the worst form of negative creativity anyway, and what could be more of a lie than “There is nothing spiritual in life, this is it.”

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