Legal Law
How to make him want to spend time with you

How to make him want to spend time with you

Do you feel like you have to force your man to spend time with you? Does he seem to find other people and activities more attractive than you? So let’s look at some ways you can turn that around and make him want to spend time with you.

Be happy in your own feminine skin. You must be feminine and happy in your own skin so that you give off a positive aura that draws him to you. If you are not happy with your feminine body and features, there will invariably be an aura of sadness and negativity around you that will have a nullifying effect on it. But if you like being a woman; you’ve made peace with your appearance and are dressing to make him feel and look good, then you’ll have the joy and confidence that he’ll want to be around you.

Have an interesting life. You can’t make him your whole life if you want him to want to spend time with you. Too much of you and he’ll want parts of the time away from you so he can report. Even couples who spend a lot of time together will have interests and activities outside of their partner and so should you. Even if they work together, they must be fully committed and happy with what they do and with other activities for both of them to want to spend time together, as they have something to share and, although they were together, they were so committed that they were not really together and actually they have a lot to share. However, if you spend your days boring and disconnected from life in each other’s presence, you will feel the need to escape from each other to find someone or something that invigorates you both.

Encourage your other interests. You’re both complex human beings who have different wants and needs that you can’t satisfy on your own for each other, so encourage him to pursue a sports passion or other similar activities that get his adrenaline flowing. When you give him space to enjoy his other interest away from you, he won’t mind spending time with you as he no longer feels trapped or forced to be with you.

Let your time together be about the two of you. You want to be a safe place for him, so don’t dominate the conversation or insist on doing only the things that interest you while ignoring your partner’s needs. If time with you meets his needs, he will want to spend time with you, but if you do nothing for him, he will avoid spending time with you.

Don’t let this be the time to talk about everything that’s wrong with him and your relationship. If you tend to see this time together as a time to scold him into action, he will avoid spending time with you since no one wants to know how misguided they can be. Let it be a moment of more positive reinforcement of your partner and a regrouping as a team. Yes to remove what is not working but with the purpose of achieving a viable solution and not blaming him for it. If he finds that spending time with you makes him feel good and gives him something practical to do, he’ll want to spend time with you.

Take him by the hand and tell him exactly what you want. Don’t assume he understands what you want from him. And don’t assume that he doesn’t enjoy your company, as he simply has no idea, as men and women don’t always see things from the same perspective. Sit down with him and explain in simple terms what you want and negotiate a compromise with him so he understands how important spending time together is to you.

For him to want to spend time with you, he must see the benefits of spending that time with you. It must be time that builds both of you and your relationship.

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