Health Fitness
How to Get a Six Pack in 3 Minutes a Day

How to Get a Six Pack in 3 Minutes a Day

However, not all bad news. In fact, just because every new hack claims to produce fast results doesn’t mean that fast results can’t be achieved.

The biggest problem when it comes to training your abs is the amount of conflicting information about the best approaches to take. There is no perfect training method and plenty of wrong methods, different things work for different people. But the sheer number of different opinions often just confuses people to the point of giving up because they don’t know where to start.

While you might have one instructor telling you some people just can’t build their abs and another telling you otherwise, or a fit friend advising you need to eat the latest supplements while your coworkers tell you to avoid them Like the plague, the truth is that there is no one way to get in shape. There is no single correct method for exercising. Even in today’s health and fitness landscape, where things are getting more scientific by the hour, a lot comes down to trial and error.

While each exercise routine should be specific to your body, the basics of exercise remain the same for all of us.

Below you’ll see a very basic, yet incredibly effective ab workout designed to remove body fat from your body and build stronger muscles in your core. By doing this you will finally achieve the definition and physics you have been trying to achieve. Better yet, the entire workout can be completed in as little as three minutes.

* Mountaineers

* 90 degree crunches (knees raised at a 90 degree angle)

* Plank Variation (instead of being on your forearms and wrists, you’ll be elevated on your hands in the starting push-up position)

Your task is to work on each movement for thirty seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the routine. The results here come not only from the fact that each exercise is proven, but also from the high intensity at which you are working. Intensity is key, so try to make the transition period between each exercise the only break you allow yourself to take. Two rounds will take you 3 minutes. If you can handle it, you can increase the workout to five minutes by adding an optional third round.

So, in a world where you often hear about people doing 2,500 crunches a day, why is this very short session so effective? There are four main reasons why, here they are:

* By learning to train without equipment, you unlock all sorts of new training opportunities.

* By keeping session time very low, you can literally fit this into your lunch break if you need to.

* High intensity is the key to increasing fat loss. HIIT it is hard but very effective. While many people like to do this with their cardio, few learn that they can also apply the same technique to different styles of training, such as circuits and weights.

* A big area of ​​failure with ab training is boredom. It’s boring doing crunches after crunches. To get results from anything in life, you must first enjoy what you are doing.

If you’ve lost yourself with your fitness, don’t worry because you’re not alone. It would be a pretty safe bet that most people at your local gym don’t really know how to lose weight despite training regularly for years, such is the confusion regarding health and fitness. As long as you combine this information with a sensible diet, learning how to get a six pack in 3 minutes doesn’t seem impossible.

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