How coming-of-age movies can bridge the gap between parents and children

How coming-of-age movies can bridge the gap between parents and children

Childhood can be a harsh but unforgettably magical period of life. It is a time when imagination runs wild and new adventures can be found around every corner. You probably remember a time when that fort you built in the living room was his own castle or private getaway. Having friends over, talking about the opposite sex, and trying to figure out if you were normal may have been something that happened every weekend. Watching coming-of-age movies with your tween or teen can bring back some memories and perhaps help you understand the world you live in.

Most children feel that the world they live in, right now, is the world that will be there when they grow up. During middle and high school, social groups form and most kids try to figure out where they belong. Wearing the right clothes, listening to good music, fitting in with others, are issues that have affected children of all generations.

This is a time when boys and girls start to take an interest in each other. It is a time when first loves are found, lost, and found again, all on the same day. Friendships can end, lives can be ruined forever, and parents are often hated for being downright unfair. But at the end of the week everything is back to normal.

These days are the ones that seem to last forever. Regardless of the child’s religious background, color, or gender, this time period seems to challenge most children with the same types of problems. Whether it’s a story of friendships and adventures or overcoming adversity and obstacles, being able to watch a movie and see your own story unfold can be a rewarding experience.

Although the experiences may be similar, no two movies are exactly the same. If your child is having trouble in a certain area of ​​life and you don’t know how to make him understand that he’s not “the only one”, providing him with a movie can be of great help.

Nothing can bring parents and children together like coming-of-age movies. Children don’t always understand that their parents have probably been through many of the same kinds of emotions and situations. A movie can help bridge the gap and make communication a little easier to find.

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