Auto insurance claim procedure

Motor vehicle insurance is compulsory in India under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. Motor vehicle insurance is the insurance coverage of the third party risk arising from the use of the motor vehicle and also to cover the risk of damage caused to the vehicle. Indians don’t care about life insurance plan and health insurance plan but they care more […]

The benefits of car scrapping

There are many reasons why you may decide to scrap your car. When I had to scrap my car, it was because the cost to repair it far exceeded the value of my car. The car was valued at around £500 but the timing belt snapped, causing extensive engine damage which would have cost around £1000 to repair. Needless to […]

Making Concrete Blocks – A Business For You

Concrete block manufacturing is a profitable business opportunity. You can start in your garage with little investment. Make your own molds out of plywood and sheet metal and you can easily produce 100 cinder blocks a day. The concrete mix is ​​made from Portland cement, sand, gravel, and water. You can mix them by hand in the correct proportions or […]

How do I decide the right price to buy a house?

You’ve heard the adage: profits are made when you buy the property. Simple, but powerful. Unfortunately, investors often forget that lesson and end up paying too much for properties. If I’m going to rehab a property and commit funds to that project, it’s critical that I know the right price to pay (and then buy below that number). The formula […]

The business of the 21st century: review

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling “Rich Dad Poor Dad” series of books, has recently published a new book. This is a review of this latest book, “The Business of the 21st Century.” He introduces the book: “In The Business of the 21st Century, I’ll show you why you need to build your own business and exactly what kind of […]

Electric Car Conversion Tips: The Secret To Lowering The Cost Of Gasoline By Using Electricity As A Car Fuel

What is the process of converting a car to run on electricity? The science of the electric vehicle (EV) is pretty simple. Golfers have been driving an electric golf cart on the green. It is clean, efficient and economical to operate. With today’s high gasoline costs, car owners should further explore any ideas that can reduce fuel costs. How does […]

Business growth: grow sustainably or go bankrupt

Growth and growth management present special problems in financial planning. Growth is not always a blessing. Many companies find themselves in financial distress, have cash flow problems, or even go bankrupt while they have full order books. There may be several causes for this phenomenon. However, one of the main causes is the fact that companies grow too fast for […]

An inexpensive way to make money on the markets

Why sell in local markets? It is an Australian cultural phenomenon. Hundreds of people head to the markets every weekend to buy their weekly fruit and vegetables. That seems to be the main motivation for markets, as you can usually get local produce at market prices that is fresher and better than many supermarket produce that has been stored in […]