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Are you getting old too fast?

Are you getting old too fast?

You will often find that, depending on your health, your biological age may be much lower or much higher than your actual or chronological age.

Factors that affect your biological age or how fast you are aging in real terms are things like genetics, nutrition, exercise, supplements, stress, mental outlook, drugs, and any serious health conditions.

For example, let’s take two people who are exactly the same age based on their birth certificates. Let’s say these two people are 45 years old.

One of them may have very good genetics, excellent nutrition, good exercise habits, a lean and toned body with a low percentage of body fat, does not smoke or drink, has not had any serious illness, and has a calm and calm mind. Your biological age assessment may indicate that, in real terms, you are only 35 years old.

The second person may have average genetics, very poor nutrition, little or no exercise, is overweight with a high percentage of body fat, smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day, drinks alcohol regularly, is always stressed and anxious, and has suffered numerous serious health problems. terms. Your biological age assessment may indicate that, in real terms, you are 57 years old.

As you can see, we have 2 people with exactly the same chronological age, but very different biological ages.

How can you measure your biological age?

There are several ways to check your biological age, and some can even be done yourself at home. Let me describe some simple tests that you can do right now.

First is the skin elasticity test that measures the health of your skin. Deterioration of the skin is usually one of the first signs of aging.

To perform this test, simply pinch the skin on the back of your hand between your thumb and forefinger for 5 seconds. Release it and then measure the time it takes for the skin to flatten completely. If you are under 30, it should take less than 1 second; If you are 40 years old, it should take about 2 seconds; If you are 50 years old, it should take about 5 seconds; If you are 60 years old, it should take 10-12 seconds; if you are 70 years old, it should take 35-40 seconds.

If your test result is much longer than it should be for your age, it is an indication that your skin’s elasticity and tone are deteriorating at a faster rate than normal and that, in fact, your biological age may be higher than your chronological age.

The next test you can do is called rule of thumb test, which is a test of your reaction time. Slow reaction time is a sign of aging and deterioration in your nervous and muscular systems. To do the test, you will need an 18-inch ruler, preferably a wooden one. Then have someone hold the ruler at the top (large numbers facing down), while you place your thumb and forefinger about 3 1/2 inches apart at the lowest point of the ruler. The person then lets go of the ruler without warning, and you should try to catch the ruler that falls between your two fingers as quickly as you can. Repeat the test 3 times and then take an average of the result.

Average results for a 20 to 30 year old are the 12-inch mark on the ruler; If you are between the ages of 40 and 50, the average result is the 8-inch mark; If you are between the ages of 60 and 70, the average result is the 5-inch mark.

Again, any variation from these averages will indicate a lower or higher biological age.

Body age monitor

A more accurate and detailed way to measure your biological age is to use a specific body age monitor that can instantly measure numerous body parameters to give you a quick and accurate reading of exactly what your body age is.

This body age monitor takes a reading of your resting metabolism, which is a parameter that can reflect your actual biological age. Other measurements taken include your total weight, body fat percentage, and skeletal muscle percentage.

I have found that your body fat percentage plays an important role in determining how fast your body is aging in real time. The more body fat you have, the faster you will age, as excess body fat is directly linked to aging and disease (i.e. heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke, etc.).

In particular, it is the amount of fat around your abdomen and around your internal organs that is even more dangerous to your health. This is called visceral fat and is also measured by the body age monitor.

Once all these measurements are taken, the age of your body can be quickly determined.

I add my own evaluations to this score as I include factors such as general body toxicity, nutrition and diet, smoking and alcohol intake, stress and anxiety levels, recent history of serious illness and disease, high blood pressure and high blood sugar readings. All of these factors are additional age stressors on the body and will directly contribute to rapid aging and disease.

Once your biological age has been determined, steps can be taken to lower it immediately. And yes, it can certainly be drastically reduced if you make the necessary changes to your lifestyle and follow the proper anti-aging tips.

Often times, you will find that you can change your biological age results in a matter of months, dramatically improving your health and well-being in the process.

Often times, if you first fully detoxify and cleanse your body, change your diet, start an exercise program, remove cigarettes and alcohol from your body, and take the right supplements to help detox and rebuild your body, you will find that you can achieve a dramatic improvement in your biological age and general health and well-being.

So be sure to measure your biological age so you know where you are from an anti-aging perspective.

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